Böhtlingk architectuur benadert het werk zoals een uitvinder dat doet: een sterk idee uitwerken tot in detail. Wij maken vaste en mobiele werken die soms in één opdracht samen vallen. Böhtlingk architecture approaches the work in the same way an inventor does: foremost a strong idea tailor-made to its function. We make both permanent and mobile buildings, which sometimes coincide in one assignment.
The plan for Welvreugd, a company specialized in precise drilling consists of a production hall with an associated office. The company fully takes care of its own energy by means of solar panels and ground heat sources.
The office has a friendly appearance blending in with residential buildings along the road in the outskirts of Maasland. It is the first project in the transformation of a former greenhouse area ” the Kralingerhoek”. For this area we have also developed a spatial quality plan . The large-scale construction is placed behind the ribbon of houses. So now local companies can expand with respect for the surrounding countryside.